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Easycap usb software download

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Also, when capturing video try to disconnect any adjacent USB devices near to prevent interferences. Try to use a USB 3.0 port (to make sure that you have enough current to power the device and the maximum bandwidth - I know that is a USB 2.0 device but you don't lose anything trying).

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I had a lot of problems finding a 'safe' driver to my Windows Pro 圆4 machine including a nefarious BSOD each time I plugged the USB device. Signed by: Somagic (Hangzhou Technology Co.On Windows Device Manager you should have now a new device under the Sound Controllers named SMI Grabber Device.Right-click on the SmiUsbGrabber3C.inf file and choose Install.Clone or download this repository and Unzip the file.But first, make a Windows System Restore Point. If your device matches, you can try to install these drivers.Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly -Status ERROR,DEGRADED,UNKNOWN